
Since its founding in 1991, Babylonia has been supported by the Swiss Federal Office of Culture for its recognized contribution to the promotion of multilingualism and its efforts to popularize research findings. This support has enabled us to publish almost 200 issues and teaching documents, as well as several special projects such as our recent SMILE (Swiss Museums in Language Education) and French in Switzerland project. We also, however, depend on the support of third-party institutions and foundations, as well as private donations.


Babylonia, as Switzerland's only journal for foreign language teaching, plays an essential role in teacher training colleges and universities. Its readership is primarily made up of student teachers, teachers, teacher trainers and researchers, as well as members of local public education departments and other federal offices. Since our move to Open Access, our readership has become highly internationalized, with visits to our website from over 100 countries (the top five views stemming from Switzerland, USA, Germany, France and Sweden).

As the table below shows, the number of article reads/downloads has been steadily increasing:


Sponsor us:

We are always on the lookout for sponsors to provide lasting support for the journal, as well as for special projects. We offer our sponsors recognition on our website, in our newsletter and in the relevant issues.

If you would be willingto support us, please contact Ms Giulia Berchio (giulia.berchio@unifr.ch), who will be happy to propose a service contract.

Support since our transition to Open Access:

2024: Swiss Federal Office of Culture (CHF 40,000), PHZH (CHF 6,500), Canton of Ticino (CHF 5,000), HEP VD (Babylonia 1/2024, CHF 5,000), PH Zug (CHF 500), BCU Lausanne (CHF 500)

2023: Swiss Federal Office of Culture (CHF 40,000), PHZH (CrossRef referencing, CHF 1,500)

2022: Swiss Federal Office of Culture (CHF 40,000), Loterie Romande (Project SMILE and Museum issues, CHF 15,000), HEP VD (Teaching Tasters, CHF 6,000), Canton of Ticino (CHF 5,000), HEP VS (Issue Homo Digitalis, CHF 2,000), Oertli Stiftung (Open Access event, CHF 2,000), PHZH (CrossRef referencing, CHF 1500)

2021: Swiss Federal Office of Culture (CHF 40,000)

Donate privately to the journal:

Babylonia gratefully accepts your donations. Our CCP account is as follows: Verein Babylonia Schweiz, Fribourg; IBAN: CH55 0900 0000 1561 1367 2; BIC: POFICHBEXXX