Uno studio quant/i-qualitativo sulle varietà dell’italiano in manuali d’italiano LS destinati ad apprendenti sinofoni


  • Ruan Yufeng
  • Yang Ni Università di Nankai


apprendenti sinofoni d’italiano LS, varietà linguistiche, manuali d’italiano



In the last two decades, there has been a steady increase in the number of Italian learners in universities in China. The first university course in Italian was opened in 1954 and nowadays there are about 42 universities where there is a undergraduate course in Italian. The present paper aims to conduct both a quantitative and qualitative study of the varieties of Italian offered in Italian textbooks released in China for Italian learners and then to observe whether and how these varieties differ including at the diachronic level. Finally, the study concludes with some reflections about the varieties to be offered in classes to Chinese students of Italian as LS.



How to Cite

Yufeng, R., & Ni, Y. (2024). Uno studio quant/i-qualitativo sulle varietà dell’italiano in manuali d’italiano LS destinati ad apprendenti sinofoni. Babylonia Multilingual Journal of Language Education, 1, 24–29. Retrieved from