À l’école, les filles sont-elles systématiquement interrompues ?





social justice, gender, conversation analysis


The present article is intended to present the results of a study about the intrusive speech interruption of girls at the school environment. Based on a corpus of interactions observed at a French as first language (L1) classroom, this study aimed to identify and describe the organizational sequence of intrusive interruptions, as well as the resources employed by the participants throughout these interruptions. A rate of the interruptions suffered by the girls was elaborated in order to discuss the systematicity of such interactional phenomenon. In this paper, it will be presented an example of the analysis of a sequence of intrusive interruptions from a Conversation Analysis perspective, which will be followed by a brief discussion of the results derived from the rate of girls’ speech interruptions. The findings of the research in which this article is based invite us to reflect on a probable devaluation of girls' participation in class and the effects of these interruptions on girls' learning processes. To conclude, it will be presented some suggestions for practical applications aimed to build a truly gender-equitable learning environment for addressing gender concerns.



How to Cite

Carvalho, B. (2021). À l’école, les filles sont-elles systématiquement interrompues ? . Babylonia Journal of Language Education, 1, 58–65. https://doi.org/10.55393/babylonia.v1i.18