Vous avez dit langues en-chantées? Fonctions sociodidactiques du chant (Nouvelle-Calédonie)


  • Stéphanie Geneix-Rabault
  • Claire Colombel-Teuira




In this paper, we aim 1) to emphasize the instructional relevance of building on artistic mediation, especially resorting to songs in Oceanic languages to enhance students’linguistic and cultural skills; 2) to describe educational practices in classrooms and/or schools (regarding teachers and institutions as well) based on a musical corpus in Oceanic languages, according “new” socio-didactical functions of singing. In other words, why, for what reasons and how can singing in elementary school in New Caledonia fulfill socio-didactical functions that reinforce the multicultural and multilingual identities of pupils and contribute to a caring school climate?



How to Cite

Geneix-Rabault, S., & Colombel-Teuira, C. (2017). Vous avez dit langues en-chantées? Fonctions sociodidactiques du chant (Nouvelle-Calédonie). Babylonia Multilingual Journal of Language Education, 3, 74–77. Retrieved from https://babylonia.online/index.php/babylonia/article/view/524