About the Journal

Published three times per year in open access, Babylonia is the Swiss Journal of Language Education.

With its multilingual and multicultural focus, this journal is a valuable resource for all those professionally involved in language learning, teaching and didactics.

For the archives 1991-2020, please visit www.babylonia.ch 

Babylonia is published with the support of:

Institutional partners:

Articles and teaching tasters published in Babylonia are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License.

Our Newsletter
Babylonia sends 3 to 6 Newsletters in a year. Our Newsletters provide an overview of the newest issues; they also inform you about conferences or news in the area of Second Language Learning/Teaching, Multilingualism and Language Policies.


Formation continue - Multiethnolektale Jugendsprache


Am 28. September 2024 bittet unsere Kollegin Marie-Anne Morand eine CeDiLE-Weiterbildung an der PH Freiburg an zur multiethnolektalen Jugendsprache. Die Anmeldungen sind offen!

Information sur le contenu de la formation et sur les inscriptions : Multiethnolektale Jugendsprache: Merkmale und Wirkung von «Jugodeutsch» und «Balkanslang» [Weiterbildung – Anmeldung] – CeDiLE

Read more about Formation continue - Multiethnolektale Jugendsprache

Current Issue

Vol. 1 (2024): Linguistic variation and variety in classroom
					View Vol. 1 (2024): Linguistic variation and variety in classroom

Responsabili di redazione per il tema:
Verantwortliche für den thematischen Teil:
Responsables de rédaction pour le thème:
Responsabels per la part tematica:

Ingo Thonhauser & Matteo Casoni

Issue published with the support of:

Published: 2024-06-21
View All Issues

This work is licensed under a CC By 4.0 license