About the Journal

Published three times per year in open access, Babylonia is the Swiss Journal of Language Education.

With its multilingual and multicultural focus, this journal is a valuable resource for all those professionally involved in language learning, teaching and didactics.

For the archives 1991-2020, please visit www.babylonia.ch 

Babylonia is published with the support of:

Institutional partners:

Articles and teaching tasters published in Babylonia are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License.

Our Newsletter
Babylonia sends 3 to 6 Newsletters in a year. Our Newsletters provide an overview of the newest issues; they also inform you about conferences or news in the area of Second Language Learning/Teaching, Multilingualism and Language Policies.


Conference From Research to Practice in the Language Classroom and vice-versa


Registration and programme information for the conference From Research to Practice in the Language Classroom and vice-versa, that is taking place at the Fribourg University of Teacher Education on 6-7 September 2024, are until 1st August available.

This multilingual conference is organized by The Centre for Foreign Language Teaching (CeDiLE), the Language Education Expert Group at the Zurich University of Teacher Education and the Institute of Multilingualism in Fribourg. 

The conference aims to open a space of discourse to exchange knowledge and challenges between teacher education, classroom practice, and research, bringing people from the following backgrounds together:

  • Research (language teaching methodology, language acquisition and linguistics).
  • Foreign, second and heritage language education, CLIL, immersion classes, etc.
  • Teacher education.
  • Anyone with an interest in the conference topic.

The invited plenary speakers are:

- Sabine Doff (Universität Bremen)

- Isabelle Udry (Institute of multilingualism and PH Zürich)

Besides project presentations, there will be a round table about How can research findings be made accessible to practitioners? And the other way round, how can practitioners transmit to researchers the imminent challenges they face and their solutions they have tested in the field? Finally, two workshops are organized.

For more information about the Conference Programme, visit our website (https://rpflc24.dryfta.com).

Conference Registration (40 CHF) includes access to all conference activities, lunch, and coffee breaks. The conference dinner on Friday 6.09 is sponsored. However, the number of seats is limited. Kindly confirm your attendance by choosing, upon availability, a ticket "with conference dinner" or notify the committee if you need to cancel. The organisers disclaim any responsibility regarding food allergies. Students (up to and including doctoral level) can register for a "student ticket" at 30 CHF and provide proof of their student status while completing the form.

To register go to the conference website (attendee registration), chose your registration type, click on the number of tickets you want to buy (01) and then on “proceed” .

We have reserved a limited number of hotel rooms. We encourage you to book your hotel room soon. All the relevant details can be found on Travel and accommodation.

Should you have any questions please contact us at rpflc24@edufr.ch .

We look forward to seeing you in Fribourg in September! 

Read more about Conference From Research to Practice in the Language Classroom and vice-versa

Current Issue

Vol. 1 (2024): Linguistic variation and variety in classroom
					View Vol. 1 (2024): Linguistic variation and variety in classroom

Responsabili di redazione per il tema:
Verantwortliche für den thematischen Teil:
Responsables de rédaction pour le thème:
Responsabels per la part tematica:

Ingo Thonhauser & Matteo Casoni


Published: 2024-06-21
View All Issues

This work is licensed under a CC By 4.0 license