Übersetzungsmaschinen im Englischunterricht des Zyklus 3





Übersetzungsmaschinen, Fremdsprachendidaktik, Differenzierung, Englischunterricht, Zyklus 3


Machine translation offers new starting points for the development of foreign language teaching. As part of a project on machine translation in English lower secondary classrooms, teachers were surveyed, and exemplary lesson plans were developed and evaluated. The questionnaire results revealed that the use of machine translation in the classroom causes some concern. Preliminary project findings indicate that machine translation can contribute to vocabulary learning provided that its use is addressed and practiced in the classroom. Based on the project results, suggestions for the use of translation machines at lower secondary level are discussed.

Author Biographies

Meike Raaflaub, PHBern

Meike Raaflaub ist Dozentin für Fachdidaktik Englisch an der PHBern.

Brigitte Reber, PHBern

Dr. Brigitte Reber ist Dozentin für Fachdidaktik Englisch an der PHBern.




How to Cite

Raaflaub, M., & Reber, B. (2022). Übersetzungsmaschinen im Englischunterricht des Zyklus 3. Babylonia Multilingual Journal of Language Education, 1, 42–49. https://doi.org/10.55393/babylonia.v1i.141