VTS: From the Museum into the ENL Classroom


  • Tom Meyer
  • Beth Clark-Gareca



Parole chiave:

museums, English language teaching, visual literacy


Visual thinking strategies (VTS) is a museum-based technique with promising potential for English learners' (ELs') language development and content learning. Educators in museums and school settings have enthusiastically adapted VTS to their instructional repertoires in order to bolster students' aesthetic appreciation, literacy development, critical thinking, language learning, and content learning. In this article, the authors  present a vignette from a high school classroom to illustrate the powerful potential of VTS for classroom use with linguistically diverse learners. The article also considers how language teachers may modify typical VTS to constructively scaffold ELs’ learning.




Come citare

Meyer, T., & Clark-Gareca, B. (2023). VTS: From the Museum into the ENL Classroom. Babylonia Journal of Language Education, 2, 64–70. https://doi.org/10.55393/babylonia.v3i.286